
Mined Time4 days 1 hour ago
In Block0xf8dd4d44a49b0089e2f08e86fda10b992ecba1428f2e87e446a3fe21bc798331
In Block Height44918336
Value0 BNB0.00 LKR0.00 LKR
Gas Used / Limit165988 / 173373
Gas Price0.000000003 BNB0.00 LKR0.00 LKR (3 Gwei)
Fees0.000497964 BNB573.02 LKR481.33 LKR
BEP1155 Token Transfers
1 MoD-Resource of ID 4, 193 MoD-Resource of ID 0, 1 MoD-Resource of ID 5, 76 MoD-Resource of ID 2, 1 MoD-Resource of ID 9
Raw Transaction