
Mined Time729 days 14 hours ago
In Block0x2f406cd688bfca15c9ed1f169953d0f20bc886cbe772ab982a8dd6d3251f8dbf
In Block Height24045129
Value0 BNB0.00 USD0.00 USD
Gas Used / Limit134954 / 149954
Gas Price0.00000001 BNB0.00 USD0.00 USD (10 Gwei)
Fees0.00134954 BNB1.57 USD5.21 USD
BEP1155 Token Transfers
150 MoD-Resource of ID 1, 20 MoD-Resource of ID 3, 80 MoD-Resource of ID 2, 2 MoD-Resource of ID 4, 1 MoD-Resource of ID 9
Raw Transaction